Issue 1
Volume 1
Last Updated; 10/25/07
Current Azerothian Events: Hallow's End...Quickies: The Headless Horseman is relentless...Attack in Stormwind...

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Headless Horseman rides again

The appearance of the Headless Horseman's shade in Goldshire defiantly suggests something is going on somewhere. Just ask around and you'll find out that his real self is located in the Graveyard of Scarlet Monastry.

The Horseman believes that he himself is alive and that we are all dead. He was once part of the Knights of the Silver Hand but lost his life. Instead of a head he has a helm burning with green flames. He rides a burning horse similar to those that the dead Knights of Karabor ride. The Horseman is obviously crazed and will do anything to destroy the living. You can defeat him though.

Sometimes the Horseman will lose his head, which will call it's body a fool and return to it. Once he has had enough of a bashing he will summon up pumpkin soldiers who will add to the chaos as you fight to defeat the Horseman. Eventually with coordination and work the Horseman will fall, and you will have defeated a horrible menance.
By Isthla
The Azeroth Times

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